Monday, June 13, 2016

Strawberry and Mozzarella Salad

I came up with this concept of putting up strawberry and mozzarella salad as an alternative to tomato and mozzarella salad because every member of our family was kinda like, "We've had enough of the tomato-mozzarella combination" so i looked in the refrigerator one fine afternoon i should say and there i saw some strawberries so thinking about all the disgruntle of my family members, especially my mum 'cos shes not allowed to eat as much tomato as she'd have liked because of her health reasons.
So there i was garnering some thought to it then i said to myself why not mix things up and instead of tomato i decided i put the strawberries in place of it. So here's how i made it. I know you all must be thinking this has already been tries and tested out several times but please check out my version.


INGREDIENTS: (serves 4)
200 g/ 2 cups strawberries, halved
200 g/ 1 1/2 cups mozzarella balls
a few spring of fresh young basil or thyme
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil/or balsamic vinegar( whichever dressing u prefer)

. Mix the strawberries with the mozzarella and the fresh herbs( your choice of herbs) and divide between 4 plates.
. Dress with the olive oil or the balsamic vinegar and season well with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

Well for some other variations we can also try these options.
#Tomato and Mozzarella Salad
Just replace the strawberries with 200 g of halved cherry tomatoes.

#Melon, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad
Just replace the strawberries with 200 g melons balls and tear 4 thin slices of prosciutto into strips.

This is just my version dear friends, I am sure there's a whole lot of variations that can made into so if you wish to share or have your opinions on some of the recipes and articles that i have put up please feel free to share on the comments section. And like always, Cheers & Enjoy.

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