Sunday, May 22, 2016


One Pot Chicken Rissotto
One of my most popular recipes continues to be this easy, versatile and delicious One Pot Chicken Risotto. This creamy, delicious and fresh one pan chicken risotto is an easy dish your whole family will love! It continues to be one of our favorite meals- and I hope it will become yours too!
This recipe is a great beginner recipe – there is a lot of stirring work, but you don’t have to be incredibly precise with anything to get a delicious result. Taste as you go, and change it up every time you make it to include new meats or vegetables and see which flavors you gravitate towards. This is an awesome base recipe that you can expand on and make your own!
I’m re-sharing this amazing recipe today for all of my new followers- summer is the perfect time to try out this recipe with some fresh veggies from the garden. It also makes an awesome dinner party meal, and feeds at least 8!
I love risotto. When thinking of easy weeknight meals, it isn’t always the top of our list- but this One Pot Chicken Risotto really should be!
While it is a bit stir-intensive (you will be stirring this for about a half hour, not constantly but frequently), it really isn’t much other work- Just toss and stir!
Also, you can easily adapt this recipe to what you have on hand. Think of it as a hearty, rustic peasant dish- if you have chicken stock or vegetable stock, use that instead. Have some asparagus and mushrooms instead of peppers and green onions? Use those! Be flexible and find the flavors you love.
The one thing that makes this recipe is the process. Don’t rush it. While this recipe will only take 30-40 minutes, don’t skip the steps or add to much liquid when stirring rice. This will keep your risotto from getting too gummy or runny! Also, YOU HAVE TO STIR VERY FREQUENTLY. I’ve made risotto both with and without cream, but the “creamy” texture comes from the rice giving off it’s starches. To do this, you need to STIR, BABY, STIR! It isn’t much work, but it is crucial! It’s a little odd because we’re used to stirring dishes just to prevent from burning- but this one needs to be stirred to get the right texture. It’s kind of like when you overwork bread and it gives the bread a weird texture and becomes too gummy- thats exactly what we want the rice to do because it makes the sauce creamy!
My hubby makes this with two pots- he heats up the stock in one, and pours it into the risotto from the other pot which sits on low . I usually just do it all in one pot with room temperature  stock though- and I don't have a problem. Just add stock a little more slowly and stir a little more.
If you like your risotto on the very soft side (it is supposed to be al' dente, but some like it softer)- HEAT YOUR STOCK IN ANOTHER POT. This cuts way down on cook time. Some readers have had to add more time as it cooks to get to be completely soft.
If you are rushed for time, cook it at a much higher heat (medium high to high), stirring frequently, and add more liquid. This will speed it along faster. 
As a reader noted, this makes a TON of risotto. We like making big batches because it is a super delicious leftover food, and that means a few less meals to cook (if it even lasts that long). Feel free to cut it in half if you have a smaller family. Also, I add vermouth in to the recipe because I love the flavor. You can skip this entirely, or add a different type of white wine. Try the vermouth sometime though- I cook with it all the time! Its fabulous to saute mushrooms in and has a flavor that pairs wonderfully with risotto.
If you love this recipe, be sure to check out my other risottos! It is such a fun and versatile dish, you’ll love trying different flavors! 

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