Friday, May 27, 2016

Some Of The Best Curries Not To Miss Out On

Many of us are creatures of habit and will always stick to what we know, especially when it comes to potentially mouth-burning food such as curry. But if you're always opting for Korma or Tikka Masala, you're definitely missing out. If you fancy being a bit more adventurous and trying something new, here are 10 of the best curries to try...that aren’t tikka or korma!
Here are some of the different varietes of curries from different region that should not be missed out on.
1. Dopiaza

The name means "double onions" and that’s the base of this curry, a rich-flavoured Indian dish that’s not too hot. Classed as a medium heat, this one’s suitable for most tastebuds. The rich, spicy onions are usually cooked two ways - firstly pureed as a sauce, and fried onions are added at the end.

2. Makhani
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Often known as "Butter Chicken", Makhani is an aromatic butter-based sauce made with tomatoes, cream and a blend of spices. It can be made as spicy as you like, but it’s typically considered a mild dish.

3. Goan
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This is made in a variety of ways; usually with fish, but it still tastes great with vegetables or chicken. This one is a coconut-based curry made with a blend of spices which give it a bit of a kick.

4. Dhansak
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Made with meat, vegetables and a lentil base, this Indian dish has a mild, sweet and slightly sour taste that still has enough kick to satisfy most. Although meat is usually the preferred ingredient, vegetarian Dhansak is delicious too.

5. Rajma Masala

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This punjabi dish is a great one for vegetarians or those looking for a meat-free option. It’s a tasty tomato-based curry with kidney beans as the main ingredient.

6. Bhuna Gosht
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Another traditional punjabi dish, Bhuna Gosht is made with lamb, spices, chillies and garlic. It has a rich flavour and can be quite hot, but it’s simple to make and the heat can be turned down if you make this yourself.

7. Kerala
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Curries from this region are fragrant and flavoursome. Try this creamy coconut curry to warm you up on cold days!

8. Massaman

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A creamy, mildly spicy Thai curry which has a nutty flavour and can be made with a variety of meats and vegetables.

9. Thai Red Curry
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Made with red chillies, galangal and coconut milk, this Thai favourite is quite hot and spicy but packed full of flavour.

10. Thai Green Curry

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This milder Thai curry is fragrant, creamy and full of exotic flavours including lemongrass, coriander, fish paste and chillies.

The above list is just sort of a teaser of the varieties of curries that one should try at least for once but that does not underlie the fact there are many more variants of curries out there that one can get. But i hope that you guys will give a shot at trying out these curries. Like always cheers and enjoy.

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